Antivirus FAQs

Who can use UNL's endpoint protection program?  Can I use it on my home computer too?

Endpoint protection is available for all students, faculty and staff for all University and personally-owned computers.  A My.UNL login and password is required to download the application.

Will I first have to uninstall my current antivirus program?

Yes.  UNL's endpoint protection software will not uninstall any existing anti-virus programs.

I am currently paying for a AV program.  Do I have to use the UNL-provided endpoint protection?

Using the UNL-provided endpoint protection is not required, but you may be required to use an antivirus program with current definitions for your computer to be granted access on UNL's network.  Antivirus is one of several layers of security to ensure the integrity of our network and to protect UNL data and infrastructure.