Notice of Security Incident 05-17-2017

The University of Nebraska ITS Security team has been made aware of two lists of account login credentials (usernames and passwords) circulating the internet.  The lists reportedly contain over 1 billion passwords data-mined from past service breaches impacting LinkedIn, Yahoo, and others over the past year.  

ITS Security have reviewed the information and have determined these lists contain some University of Nebraska email accounts with passwords that meet our complexity rules, (while others do not). A selected group have had their passwords reset.  Additionally, all university users should change their passwords on LinkedIn and on any other website (including TrueYou/Firefly) that may have used the same password. 

Please note that no university system has been compromised.

As a precaution, users should never use the same password for their university email account and their TrueYou/Firefly account.  We recommend all users run an updated anti-virus scan on your machine as soon as possible.  


For any questions, please contact the ITS Help Center desk at, or via phone at 402-472-3970.