Gloria Feldt

The Three Powers of Leadership Intention

Tuesday, November 5 | 2:45-4:45PM

The workshop will expand on the concepts outlined in the keynote, it will go more deeply into the impact of implicit bias on our behavior (as opposed to a lecture on implicit bias per se—we all know that), and the difference between ambition and intention. It will include skill building intentionality exercises which are the key to enabling women to internalize the locus of power and embrace it authentically, confidently, and joyfully while kicking impostor syndrome to the side.


Learn the three key powers of intention that underpin effective leadership at any level of the organization: vision, courage, and action.

Receive practice exercises that develop immediately actionable skills: intentions journal, pre-paving the future, the four questions technique, Points of Power, and Power Relationships Map.

A participant workbook to support the practice of intentionality after the workshop

Inspiration, affirmation, and motivation shall be provided to each participant.

Dianna Sadlouskos

Critical Conversations: The Courage to Show Up

Tuesday, November 5 | 2:45-4:45PM

What are key conversations you should be having but avoid because of possible conflict? Are there examples of uncomfortable conversations you’ve had that could have gone better? You have undoubtedly faced your fair share of conflict situations and critical conversations throughout your career. Your ability to handle these emotionally charged scenarios can make or break your career. In this workshop you will learn a four-step approach to handle conflict and critical conversations. We will also explore how emotions translate into thinking and behavior, and how this influences the outcome of critical conversations. Groups will be formed to apply the communication methodology to case studies based on real scenarios. The learning objectives for this workshop are:

  • Practice the ability to listen, to reserve judgement, and to communicate effectively as you gather information from a diversity of perspectives;
  • Understand how to collaborate with individuals across identities, roles, areas, institutions, etc.
  • Define the communication challenges to be solved in a way that serves mutual interests (value proposition).
  • Consider how emotions, such as awareness of internal world, thoughts, emotions, distortions, desires, and needs, play into the scenario