In response to the 2013 climate survey, ITS launched CREW (Creating Really Engaged Workers) as a team dedicated to devising and organizing activities focused on bringing together individuals throughout ITS.
CREW Mission: “Creating Really Engaged Workers” through you!
Build a stronger team that is better prepared to participate in the shared mission.
Engaged employees work with passion and feel a profound connection to their company. They drive innovation and move the organization forward.
CREW Objective: Create engagements that are fun, educational, and enriching by providing a forum for building relationships.
Regular Events include, but not limited to:
- Department Showcases
- Picnic & Potluck – donate to Food Bank
- Holiday Party– donate to Food Bank
- Coffee Klatch
- After Hours
Stay in touch with us:
Join the CREW mailing list at
Have ideas for events or questions for the planning committee?
Get in touch with us at