How to manage course access

45 days before the start of the semester, not prior, you can add other people (e.g., a teaching assistant) to courses to help with managing exams.

Once added to a course, they can:

  • ADD others to the course, and remove others except for the original course owner.
  • EDIT the details of an exam, if they have access to all courses that an exam is scheduled for. 
  • CLONE an exam, to schedule another with similar details except for the dates.
  • CANCEL an exam, if they have access to all courses that an exam is scheduled for. 

Click  Manage  to log in with either your UserName or NUID.


Step 1.

Click the MANAGE ACCESS button.


Manage access image


Step 2.

  • Enter either the person’s MyUNL username OR their NUID. 
  • Select the course from the drop-down list for which they need access. 
  • Click the GRANT ACCESS button.


Grant access image

Step 3.

Click OK when finished. You’ll see the person added to the Members with Access area.


Members with access area screenshot