How to reserve exam dates for your course

Click   Reserve  to log in with either your Username or NUID.

Step 1.

Click SCHEDULE EXAM to begin creating your testing reservation. 

Image of exam scheduling


Step 2.

Enter the Exam Details in the areas provided.


Step 3.

In the Exam Dates section, you’ll be given a minimum number of days to accommodate all students. Click the dates to have the exam available to students. The dates will toggle on/off with each click.

Exam dates how to image


Step 4.

In the Contact List section, provide at least one person who can speak on your behalf regarding this exam should you be unavailable in the order to be contacted.


how to add contacts


Step 5.

 After you have read the DLC Terms & Conditions, select the checkbox, and then SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL.

How to submit for approval


Step 6.

 Your request is now submitted.

Exam submitted image


Manage Existing Requests

Big exam example image


A. Edit a Request

Click the Edit link and then make the necessary changes before you click SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL


B. Cancel a Request

Click the Cancel link and then click the CANCEL THIS EXAM button. 


C. Clone a Request or Approved Exam

Click the Clone link and make the necessary changes before you click SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL.