To sign up for Verizon cellular service through the University, please choose one of the options below to initiate the process. Processing time will vary depending on whether or not you are transfering a number or ordering a new phone. Please note that any incomplete forms or incorrect information may also delay the processing time. After submitting a sign-up request we'll email you a confirmation of its receipt, as well as any further information we may need to complete the transfer. Plans are subject to change at our discretion and some restrictions may apply. Click here to view Verizon's terms and conditions.
Please note that all device purchases are billed at their discounted price, we are not able to do monthly installments.
Smartphone plans
Pick either plan:
→ $50/month* - 400 anytime minutes (nights & weekends free)
→ $60/month* - unlimited minutes
Both plans include unlimited texting, data, and hotspot
Switch between plans at any time
*price before taxes/surcharges
Sign up hereTransfer instructionsPhone options
If you would like to transfer a number please ensure it is currently active and that you have released it through your carrier. For non-Verizon transfers you will need to have your account information ready to enter on the plan form. If you're transferring a number from a personal Verizon account you'll just need to follow the transfer instructions before you begin.
→ Additional minutes or texts are $0.25/each.
Data-only plan
→ $45/month* - unlimited data
To be used on data-only devices such as MiFis and tablets
Not applicable for phones
*price before taxes/surcharges
Sign up hereMiFi devices
Basic phone plans
Pick any plan:
→ $20/month* - 250 anytime minutes
→ $35/month* - 450 anytime minutes
→ $40/month* - 600 anytime minutes
→ $50/month* - 1000 anytime minutes
→ $65/month* - unlimited minutes
Pick either texting feature:
→ Free - 100 SMS/MMS messages
→ $12/month* - unlimited SMS/MMS messages
All plans include unlimited night/weekend and M2M minutes
Switch between plans at any time
*price before taxes/surcharges
Sign up hereTransfer instructionsPhone options (bottom of page)
If you would like to transfer a number please ensure it is currently active and that you have released it through your carrier. For non-Verizon transfers you will need to have your account information ready to enter on the plan form. To move a number from a personal Verizon account you'll just need to follow the transfer instructions before you begin.
→ Additional minutes or texts are $0.25/each.