New to UNL Verizon?

Check out our plans!

→ UNL Students and Faculty, Staff, and Departments of the University of Nebraska System are eligible for discounted phones and monthly plans.

→ Students receive their monthly bill through their MyRed account, employees pay using our online portal (autopay available).

Current Customers

Plan Change

Submit this form to switch between the $50 and $60 Verizon plans


Change Billing Responsibility

Submit this form to transfer billing to new account holder

Effective the 1st of the following month


Add Second Account Holder

Submit this form to allow someone else to make changes on your account


Transfer Request

Submit this form to release your line(s) to transfer off the UNL account


Cancel Service

Submit this form to cancel one or more Verizon lines

Do not submit this form if you would like to keep your number to transfer to another carrier
